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1d1RFC 9558: Use of GOST 2012 Signature Algorithms in DNSKEY...
Ce RFC marque l'arrivée d'un nouvel algorithme de signature dans les enregistrements DNSSEC, algorithme portant le numéro 23. Bienvenue au GOST R 34.10-2012 (alias ECC-GOST12), algorithme russe, spécifié en anglais dans...
1d4nslookup problem
Hi, I just started my course on Computer Networking and I have a problem with the nslookup command, because when i do nslookup it shows this: Default Server: UnKnown Address: fe80::1 and when i try to do nslookup...
2d3Adguard Dns queries
Hello, I am new to Adguard DNS starter free version. Is the starter free version free for lifetime how does it compare to Adguard free public DNS? Also is it open-source? Lastly how does adguard dns starter free...
2d2RRSIG TTL Issue tool showing this error: RRSIG alg 13, id 12196: With a TTL of 172800, the RRSIG RR can be in the cache of a non-validating resolver until 1 day after it expires at 2024-10-20...
2d4How can I create a collaborative DNS blacklis?
Maybe wrong place, so apologies in advance. Context: a visit to r/golpe gives a small sample of how Brazil is being plagued with online scams via links received via SMS, ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. : Fake...
3d4random intermittent "DNS address could not be found"...
I've been dealing with this for a while now. Custom build, Win 10 Home 22H2 OS build 19045.3570 Intermittently, and randomly, I am unable to load any websites in any browser on my system. I'm still connected and can...
3d4Add Gmail activation code format=png auto=webp s=2f018304acc5f10371ff5f488a3f074fd141d801 So I am trying to add another domain to my google admin console. The auto tool sucks. It just says...
3d5Some guy wants to take over .com and .net
Some Guy has noticed that domain name prices keep going up and has offered to take over the .com and .net registries from Verisign. The Some Guy recently filed a formal Request for Reconsideration with ICANN, asking it...
3d6Second-shot gTLD bid rules revealed
ICANN has published the first, early draft of rules for new gTLD applicants that want to change their applied-for strings at the thirteenth hour. In a shock move last month, ICANN s board of directors said that...
3d6Need a large blocklist public dns
I am using adguard public default dns. I know about using an account to get the private dns where I can add other large blocklists but my monthly usage is more than the limit there. Is there Any other public dns which...
4d7What happens if I have multiple IP addresses in a single...
Basically the title. I am in the process of migrating from simple routing to weighted routing and wanted to test using a few servers. Currently, we have a single A record which is simple routing, it consists of all...
4d5Nominet names directors after tight election
Ashley La Bolle and Rex Wickham have been named Nominet non-executive directors after an election that saw the top three candidates finish with very close numbers. Nominet said La Bolle, who works for Tucows, and...
4d5Lawyer ban coming to ICANN
Tell us who you re working for, or get out. That s the message, mainly targeting lawyers in private practice, underpinning a proposed change to the rules governing participating in ICANN policy-making proceedings. The...
5d7Question about DNS records when moving nameservers
Hey, so I just pointed my domain using nameservers to Hostinger from a different domain registrar, this works fine. However, on the old registrar I had MX records from when Google Workspace was set up, the standard one...
5d15Common DNS API/CLI interface?
Im probably wishing upon a star here, but is there a common protocol that can be used to create, remove and effectuate DNS entries for the commonly used DNS solutions? Or am I more likely stuck with DNS specific...
5d7CNAME on zone/domain apex
I know, per RFC 1912, this is not possible. But I was fooling around on Gcore and decided to give it a go. Lots of warnings, but I was actually able to do it. So, I have a working dummy domain with a CNAME at the...
5d9DNS Suffix
hi i have one simple question, i need dns suffix for gaming? because i see many people dont have it, i can remove it and leave blank without problems? submitted by /u/Melodic-Ad4780 [link] [comments]
6d9Brazilian DNS bug?
Hi, I'm a beginner student of this things. I live in Brazil. Today suddenly my vanilla (no VPN) internet connection started to have connection problems. Sometimes the Google page showed a message of DNS error , but...
6d9Anyone here running dnsdist?
I've used it for recursive and auth zones (internal and external views.) submitted by /u/rumplestripeskin [link] [comments]
6d9Why are my RTTs for so high?
When I ping from command prompt, I get an average RTT of 241 ms. If I ping , my average is 5 ms. What could be causing this? submitted by /u/bepi_s [link] [comments]


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DNSsexy is an aggregation of DNS related blogs and news. It is built, edited and maintained by Jan-Piet Mens with substantial contributions by Carsten Strotmann.