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Blog Age Hits Title
6d8Identity Digital to take over .ai
Identity Digital is to take over the running of .ai, following a deal with the Government of Anguilla announced today. The two parties said they plan to build a world-class registry management program that prioritizes...
6d8ICA teams up with WIPO on UDRP reform
The Internet Commerce Association and WIPO are jointly chairing an off-the-books review of the UDRP, ahead of a likely ICANN review of the anti-cybersquatting policy next year. WIPO said today that the review is being...
7d9Question about running my own geoDNS
Hi there! I want to run a geoDNS server, which will return closest IP address of my site based on an IP address of client. But I have a question, I assume that all requests to my geoDNS will be performed from recursive...
7d7RFC 9559: Matroska Media Container Format Specification
Matroska est un format de conteneur pour du contenu multi-média (son, image, sous-titres, etc). Ce n'est pas un format de données (format utilisé par un codec), mais un moyen de regrouper de manière structurée des...
7d7Randomly can’t connect to websites
Hey there, I recently moved to a new place and got a new ISP, Xfinity. I’ve been having an issue for months now where randomly, when using my computer I can’t connect to any other websites. I can connect to google and...
7d5Possible DNS Issues - Need Advice Before Trying More Fixes
Dell Laptop Running Windows 11 with Intel Wifi Card Rogers Ignite. This is a 3rd post (Rogers, TechSupport, HomeNetworking DNS). Thanks for earlier advice. Scenario: I've been dealing with recurring DNS errors that...
7d4DDNS enabled for networked printer
I'm fairly new to DNS. Our organisation wants to implement networked printer that are deployed via group policy. They want us to map all networked printers via hostname on the printer server. I've scanned through out...
8d4Mail Server DNS Record
If I have a subdomain and I want to use that subdomain as a mail server which is hosted on my NAS; must I create a A record with my public IP address ? submitted by /u/One_Scholar1355 [link] [comments]
8d4Bind9 comparing results obtained from multiple forwarders
Can I set Bind9 to use multiple forwarders for all queries, compare the results and only respond to the query if all results are identical? submitted by /u/tudorm9001 [link] [comments]
9d4India Dns
Hi, some website block my country (hubcloud, vcloud, pixeldraind) and i found out that they don't block india, but i don't wanna use vpn, so is there any dns method can help submitted by /u/innhibeou [link] [comments]
9d5Problem with
Problem with must be a valid host for Google Sites An error message appears when trying to add a new hostname on DNS Manager. FYI no duplications or other DNS from Sites....
9d4RFC 9660: The DNS Zone Version (ZONEVERSION) Option
Cette nouvelle option du DNS permet au client d'obtenir du serveur le numéro de version de la zone servie. (Et, non, le numéro de série dans l'enregistrement SOA ne suffit pas, lisez pour en savoir plus.)
9d5Best DNS
Does anybody know what the best DNS server is for United States Kentucky and I have spectrum I just wanna know what the best DNS server is for that provider submitted by /u/DMbecome1 [link] [comments]
10d5Recurring Wi-Fi Issue on Dell Laptop (Windows 11, Intel...
I posted something similar on TechSupport but I'm curious if anyone on DNS has any insights: I’m having a recurring Wi-Fi issue with my Dell laptop (Windows 11) with an Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 wireless card where it loses...
10d4Improving DNS Config for a hosting company
Hello! We provide web hosting for a specific market, we build their websites and utilize their domains to connect. When we deploy as a subdomain (ex: it's easy. They set up a CNAME record which...
10d4Gcore for auth DNS hosting - yes or no?
Stumbled upon Gcore for DNS Hosting. Their auth DNS server product seems to include a lot of features - including GeoDNS options AND health checks. At a very, very cheap price. This made me - of course - a bit...
11d4What free public DNS Server do you use and why?
I've been looking for ways to improve and preserve my privacy and security, and finding an alternative to Google's DNS server seems necessary. I've read articles and watched videos on the topic, and three free public...
11d4Response to sex harassment lawsuit “inadequate”, say ICANN..
ICANN s response to a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a former long-serving employee was inadequate and failed to address pervasive and obvious problems women experience in the community, some veteran community...
12d5The guy that set this up left and now I'm stuck...
I have two forward lookup zones on my Windows Server 2022 DC: companyinc.private I have in the companyinc.private zone an Alias which points to Server.companyinc.private. In the same zone is the A...
12d6NextDNS vs Quad9 vs Cloudflare
Hi everyone, I need some advice: I have a gl.inet flint router with integrated encrypted DNS, I have two options which are NextDNS and Cloudflare with DoT and other providers with DoH. My first question is: should I use...


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DNSsexy is an aggregation of DNS related blogs and news. It is built, edited and maintained by Jan-Piet Mens with substantial contributions by Carsten Strotmann.