News from the DNS blogsphere.
Blog | Age | Hits | Title |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4987d | 577 | Death Joe, a nice man married for over 50 years, died. His wife Myrtle was devastated. A couple of months later Myrtle also died. Once in heaven, Myrtle anxiously looked for Joe. Suddenly, behind a cloud, she could clearly see... |
Stéphane Bortzmeyer | 4987d | 614 | RFC 6293: Requirements for Internet-Draft Tracking by the... Une des particularités de l'IETF est son extrême ouverture. Tout le monde peut suivre le travail en cours, les documents de travail (les Internet Drafts) sont publiquement accessibles, l'état de chaque document dans le... |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4988d | 533 | 60 seconds on the Internet |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4989d | 528 | Introducing DNSsexy We are creating a new site called -- an aggregation of blogs that post DNS or DNSSEC-related topics. This is a sort of planet DNS , but as the name was taken, we chose something a bit more cheerful :-)
The... |
Stéphane Bortzmeyer | 4989d | 733 | Inventer un meilleur système de nommage : pas si facile On voit apparaître en ce moment des tas de projets de faire un système de nommage meilleur que l'actuel système utilisé dans l'Internet, c'est-à-dire la combinaison de noms de domaines arborescents (comme... |
Stéphane Bortzmeyer | 4989d | 624 | RFC 6272: Internet Protocols for the Smart Grid Le titre de ce RFC ne rend pas complèment compte de son but. Ce document est en fait une présentation complète de la suite de protocoles TCP/IP, celle qui fait tourner l'Internet. Conçu pour des ingénieurs qui viennent... |
OpenDNS Blog | 4989d | 570 | Better malware protection for all OpenDNS Enterprise... This week OpenDNS Enterprise malware protection gets an upgrade that will knock your socks off. |
DNS reddit | 4990d | 558 | ICANN finally approves expansion plan for top-level... submitted by cmeerw
[link] [1 comment] | | 4991d | 594 | BIND BIND is open source software that implements the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols for the Internet. It is a reference implementation of those protocols, but it is also production-grade software, suitable for use in... | | 4991d | 632 | DHCP ISC DHCP is open source software that implements the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocols for connection to a local network. It is a reference implementation of those protocols, but it is also production-grade software,... |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4991d | 498 | QR-Code on Dutch coins The Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt is issuing a coin with a QR-Code which contains a single short URL on it.
The coins can be preordered in silver and in gold and will be available starting on June 22nd. The Royal... |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4992d | 502 | DNSSEC trust and delegation chains for Created by DNSViz . |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4993d | 576 | Post office job A guy goes to the Post Office to apply for a job.
The interviewer asks him, "Are you allergic to anything?" He replies, "Yes, caffeine. I can't drink coffee."
"Ok, Have you ever been in the military service?" "Yes,"... |
OpenDNS Blog | 4993d | 581 | Announcing the 2011 OpenDNS SysAdmin Awards It's that time of the year again. Announcing the only awards contest that honors only SysAdmins. |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4993d | 532 | The very first DNSSEC-secured Kindergarten? I have a friendly relationship with the local preacher, the pastor who runs the Kindergarten our offspring used to be associated with. A few years ago, upon taking said child to (or fetching from -- I forget) the... |
Nominet | 4994d | 983 | Enabling SSL / https and disabling http in OBIEE It seems trivial to enable the https channel in OBIEE for the server in which your OBIEE is installed. And in fact enabling SSL is trivial. Just tick the SSL Listen Port enabled tickbox on the Configuration= General tab... |
Stéphane Bortzmeyer | 4994d | 615 | BGP et les trous noirs Le 16 juin, le routeur de Renater au point d'échange Sfinx est devenu un trou noir, un routeur qui annonce des routes mais ne transmet pas les paquets ensuite. Pourquoi les mécanismes de secours normaux de BGP n'ont-ils... |
Stéphane Bortzmeyer | 4994d | 667 | Déboguer les problèmes réseau : la taille compte Tout administrateur réseaux le sait : lorsqu'il y a un problème de connectivité IP, le premier outil à dégainer est ping. C'est en général un bon réflexe. Mais malheureusement beaucoup de ces administrateurs ne dépassent... |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4994d | 549 | My new $HOME: catching lost feed readers One of the difficulties that arise when moving a site to a completely new address (as in a new DNS host name) as I've done, is that it is very difficult to reach out to people who visit with an RSS feed reader : either... |
Jan-Piet Mens | 4995d | 501 | Watch Ryan Dahl build a Web server in 50 minutes |
Send any DNS blog that you feel adds value to the DNS community. Final decisions rest with me.
DNSsexy is an aggregation of DNS related blogs and news. It is built, edited and maintained by Jan-Piet Mens with substantial contributions by Carsten Strotmann.