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Using the CowBoy HTTP server from an Elixir program

First publication of this article on 17 September 2019

Among the people who use the CowBoy HTTP server, some do it from an Erlang program, and some from an Elixir program. The official documentation only cares about Erlang. You can find some hints online about how to use CowBoy from Elixir but they are often outdated (CowBoy changed a lot), or assume that you use CowBoy with a library like Plug or a framework like Phoenix. Therefore, I document here how I use plain CowBoy, from Elixir programs, because it may help. This is with Elixir 1.9.1 and CowBoy 2.6.3.

I do not find a way to run CowBoy without the mix tool. So, I start with mix:

% mix new myserver 
Your Mix project was created successfully.

I then add CowBoy dependencies to the mix.exs file:

 defp deps do                                                                                                                      
      {:cowboy, "~> 2.6.0"}                                                                                                         

(Remember that CowBoy changes a lot, and a lot of CowBoy examples you find online are for old versions. Version number is important. I used 2.6.3 for the examples here.) Then, get the dependencies:

% mix deps.get
  cowboy 2.6.3
  cowlib 2.7.3
  ranch 1.7.1

We can now fill lib/myserver.ex with the main code:

 defmodule Myserver do                                                                                                               
  def start() do                                                                                                                    
    dispatch_config = build_dispatch_config()                                                                                       
    { :ok, _ } = :cowboy.start_clear(:http,                                                                                         
      [{:port, 8080}],                                                                                                              
      %{ env: %{dispatch: dispatch_config}}                                                                                         
  def build_dispatch_config do                                                                                                      
      { :_,                                                                                                                         
          {"/", :cowboy_static, {:file, "/tmp/index.html"}}

And that's all. Let's test it:

% iex -S mix
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]

Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Interactive Elixir (1.9.1) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

iex(1)> Myserver.start()
{:ok, #PID<0.197.0>}


If you have HTML code in /tmp/index.html, you can now use any HTTP client such as curl, lynx or another browser, to visit http://localhost:8080/.

The start_clear routine (which was start_http in former versions) starts HTTP (see its documentation.) If you want explanation about the behaviour :cowboy_static and its parameters like :file, see the CowBoy documentation. If you are interested in routes (the argument of :cowboy_router.compile, directives for CowBoy telling it "if the request is for /this, then do that"), see also the documentation. There are many other possibilities, for instance, we could serve an entire directory:

 def build_dispatch_config do                                                                                                      
      { :_,                                                                                                                         
          # Serve a single static file on the route "/".                                                                            
          {"/", :cowboy_static, {:file, "/tmp/index.html"}},                                                                        

          # Serve all static files in a directory.                                                                                  
          # PathMatch is "/static/[...]" -- string at [...] will be used to look up the file                                        
          # Directory static_files is relative to the directory where you run the server                                            
          {"/static/[...]", :cowboy_static, {:dir, "static_files"}}                                                                 

You can now start from this and improve:

  • Use start_tls instead of start_clear, to provide security through HTTPS,
  • Replace def start() do by def start(_type, _args) do (or def start(type, args) do if you want to use the parameters) to follow OTP conventions, in order for instance to run the HTTP server under a supervisor (see this example - untested), or simply to create a standalone application,
  • Serve dynamic content by using Elixir (or Erlang) modules to produce content on the fly.

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